Written by Heidi Nestor, Writer and Editor, Life Alert
What to Look for in a Senior Wellness Center by Heidi Nestor, writer and editor for Life Alert.
When buying a new house or car, people usually take their time to thoroughly investigate the condition of said house or car, in order to weigh it against the financial investment that’s about to be made.
This kind of detailed inspection should also apply when joining a Senior Wellness Center that requires membership fees. So to ensure you are joining the right center that meets your needs; here are a few key items to look for:
But when it comes down to the what really matters, it’s not so much as to how many ballroom dance classes are offered, or if the recreation room has a big screen TV to watch sports, though added benefits, what you really need to look for are the wide-range of services that will assist you in building your health so that you can maintain longevity and independence.
Life Alert Encino also promotes senior wellness with a variety of health information and services that can get help fast in an emergency. Just as a senior center is a social link to the outside world, Life Alert is a lifesaving link to the outside world for immediate medical attention; possibly minimizing permanent damage or disability so you can preserve your way of life.
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For more information about Life Alert and its many services and benefits for seniors – available in New York, California, Florida, and other states nationwide -- please visit the following websites: